Monday, August 8, 2011

letting go

Free yourself. Let go. Old issues and resentments, things we can't control. Just let it go. Free your mind, spirit and heart.

Many of us have family issues or life problems that we try to fix, we think about often and we probably stress out over whatever it is.

All that built up stress can increase our pain more than we realize. That tightness in your shoulders and neck, your hips, your whole body if you're like me.

When we let go of what we cannot control we release ourselves from unneeded stress. Generally we stress over people, places and things we have no control over no matter how hard we tried.

We need to let that go. Give it to whatever spiritual being you believe in, and if you don't believe in any just give it to the sky. 

Letting go isn't as easy as I may be making it sound. But if we try everyday to let go of the issues, resentments and problems that weigh us down and cause more pain, we will begin to feel better.

I get quiet and I picture the issue leaving me. I feel the resentment dissolve. I forgive others and I forgive myself. I don't say it out loud, I visualize these things leaving and dissolving. I am a very visual person.

Maybe you need to write down what you want to let go of. After you write your list of what needs to be let go of, maybe get rid of the paper as a way of sealing the fact that you're letting them go. You can rip up the paper and flush it. You can put it in the fireplace or BBQ and set it on fire.

The point is we need to let go. We ned to be free of things that add to our pain- physical and emotional. Emotional pain can cause us serious pain.

There are so many ways to let go. Prayer, meditation, writing everything down and giving it to whatever spiritual being we believe in. 

We have enough physical problems. If we can let go of some old resentments or issues weighing us down, we can relieve ourselves of at least some pain. Maybe migraines will lessen.  Maybe our joints won't ache as badly.

Let go. We don't need any negativity in our lives. We suffer enough.

peace & love,

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