Tuesday, August 9, 2011

being grateful

Being grateful is difficult if you're always in pain or dealing with thinning hair or strange skin problems from an illness. 

Let's face it, being grateful is difficult without any illness at all. We feel frustrated, passed over or given difficult challenges to live with.

How do we feel grateful and remember to be grateful each and everyday.

Well, I heard something that  I'm "borrowing" because I believe it will work for myself and many others.

Instead of writing down a few things we're grateful for now and putting it somewhere you'll forget about and then find under some bills later.

What if we started a Never Ending Gratitude List. This might be something to keep in a notebook or the journal you don't know what to do with.

I started by writing three things I was grateful for yesterday in a beautiful journal I bought but wrote nothing in it yet.

Today I may only find two things I'm grateful for, or maybe I'll have five things.

If we do this everyday- and, of course we're only human and we might skip a day here and there- then when we're feeling down or ungrateful we have our Never Ending Gratitude List to read and reflect on. 

This might be all we need to feel a little better. It's almost impossible to be grateful and feel sorry for yourself at the same time.

Gratitude keeps us smiling and feeling that everything will work out as it should.

You don't need a fancy journal. A steno pad, a regular notebook, printer paper stapled together will all work for your list. If your creative you can make a beautiful cover for it. But do it, creative or not.

I'm grateful that I get to share this with you. 

peace & love,

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