Friday, July 16, 2010

too much

Sometimes everything feels like too much. Too much to do. Too much stress. Too many problems.

I feel overwhelmed and I wonder why I don't appreciate all I have and all the surrounds me rather than sitting in my mush pot of stress.

When things get crazy the easiest thing to do is to feed into it. I started to. I laid a guilt trip on myself for things I'm not responsible for.

The best thing to do is clear my head and realize everything that I have to be grateful for and then prioritize what I CAN do and let go of what I CANNOT.

This day was a mush pot day, but sitting here now I realize where and when I should have just let things go. And, because of my health, I should have slowed down and took care of myself. That's a tough deal for a control freak, but the way I feel now has taught me that I really need to let go.

The easiest way to do that is to remember what I'm grateful for. And that's a lot.

I hope I don't see you in the mush pot. It's hard to get out and you can't see the beauty of the day.

peace and love,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

big problems

Life can hand us some pretty crazy stuff. Stuff that we either didn't see coming, or, maybe we just weren't paying close enough attention to see what was going on.

I am learning, rather slowly, I must admit, that it does no good to beat ourselves up over such happenings. Also, we can't run around like crazy people because of stressful situations.

I've been spending quite a bit of time in crazytown and, clearly, it has done no good for anyone involved. I have had flare-ups from my Fibromyalgia, I'm anxious, and to top it off, I'm no good to be around.

I honestly believe that we aren't given anything to deal with that we can't handle. I just forget sometimes. Not completely, just enough to get all worked up right away. Then I bring it down slowly, looking at the big picture and finding that it will all work out.

The first thing I think is that it's important to remember is to be grateful for what we do have- people, health, whatever.

Being grateful keeps things in perspective and allows us to deal with our big problems with a much lower stress level.

I have NOT enjoyed my visit to crazytown. I was spinning in circles, unclear of what was good in my life, and, as a result, becoming overwhelmed and stressed out over everyday chores and activities.

Life isn't always easy, but keeping the stress level as low as possible can help us deal with even the most challenging situations.

I plan to make a gratitude list today. I think it will put things in perspective. I hope you take the few minutes to make your own list of what you're grateful for. Then we won't bump into each other in crazytown.

peace and love,