Saturday, July 16, 2011

purposeful living

Most, if not all, of us want to live with purpose. I'm not implying changing the world. We want to feel that we have a purpose. That there's a reason to get up everyday. 

Sometimes we get stuck in a dead end job, we've been laid off, we get divorced or just we fall into a rut. That can lead to a lack of motivation or even depression.

For those of us with illnesses it becomes easier to get into a funk or a full blown depression. And, for those of us that no longer work, it becomes easier to become depressed.

That's why finding something that makes us feel connected is so important.. We can volunteer and do charitable things. But we're not wrong if we aren't headed in that direction. Maybe we just need something for ourselves.

Returning to a hobby we let fall to the wayside because we felt it took too much time, effort et cetera. Sports, if we're able, like surfing, playing volley ball, hiking, sailing, playing tennis or running marathons, to name a small portion, all give a sense of connection and accomplishment.

For those of us that aren't as inclined to get a feeling of satisfaction from sweating and competing, there are many other options. Cooking and baking, reading, painting or drawing, scrap booking and knitting are a few other options. And I know I would feel very satisfied if I could give someone something I made.

But my creative outlet happens to be writing. I write this blog, short stories, poems and plays. I have had a hard time embracing this outlet that always makes me feel I'm doing something that is purposeful. 

I had a hard time just being home full time again. I read, blogged a little, wrote a little here and there, but I didn't do it with purpose. I haven't even enjoyed cooking or baking, and I'm a total foodie.

It's time for me to add purpose to my days and I plan to write more and with dedication. I have goals and commitments I made to myself. I feel excited and ready. I feel like cooking again. I have always wanted to crochet and I plan to try that, too. 

Not everything we take on need to be done perfectly, nor do they need to be done all at once.

I plan to start by writing this blog regularly and work on some stories that I've been wanted to write. 

My point being that we need to give purpose to our lives and it just may start by being good to ourselves. 

peace and love,

Check out Chef Belive on Facebook for amazing raw food recipes!

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