Tuesday, July 26, 2011

be happy

Sometimes it's difficult to be happy with what is. Yet, all of our problems, and we all have our share) shouldn't prevent our overall happiness.

I'm not suggesting that we're overflowing with joy when we get bad news, big bills, health issues and the rest.

We'll have dips and bumps in the road, but we need to have that inner peace and joy so that we are happy people no matter what happens.

I admit that my cheerful personality took a nose dive when I was first diagnosed and I feel deeper into a depression. I stopped waking up happy and going with what was happening- not that I was stressed out at times- I tended to still be laugh easily and I smiled a lot. I'm sure, however, that my family saw through my facade. I am good natured normally, but I faked it during the worst parts of depression. I felt like a useless burden.

We all deserve to be happy. Sometimes it takes work. A lot of work. We need to find a way to see the joy in life. Counseling, Psychiatrists and support groups are extremely helpful to get out of any type of rut or serious depression we happen to be in. It's so important to seek help if you are buried in sadness and depression. I know it helped me tremendously.

No longer being able to work, or working less and having accommodations are constant reminders for those of us with chronic pain and other illnesses. Being home may bring on guilt and other negative feelings because of lost income. I know I was pathetic at first. Now I'm adjusted to being home. I even enjoy it, and, best of all,  I accept help. Everyday I feel more joy seep into me.

Being negative is easy. Finding the goodness and the blessings may take a little work. But it's worth it. Reversing negative thoughts to something better or positive every time they come up will help and it should become habit. Being sick doesn't mean we have to be depressed or buried in guilt. We need to appreciate all of the blessings even more. It doesn't hurt to spend a little time with positive,  funny people either. It boosts your spirits.

So, practice positive thinking, even when it's so hard you feel low and sad and angry you're sick,  just acknowledge the negative thoughts and let them go. You can. We didn't mean to get sick so don't let that cloud your judgement. Having some happiness and feeling joyful is something we're all entitled to.

We have to chose to be happy. Be happy with me! I can feel you smiling already :)

peace and love,

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