Tuesday, April 12, 2011

stress isn't always necessary

Most of us have heard the expression, "Don't stress the small stuff." Ok, easy enough (some of the time). But what about the in between stuff?

I think it's a matter of not taking on other people's problems, for one thing. And, of course, not getting worked up over what we cannot change.

It's ok to acknowledge stress or worry, but we need to accept what is, try to improve it or just know that it is what it is and move forward.

I feel stress and guilt over just about everything. All it does is cause me pain and many times anxiety as well. Money problems, family issues, what we aren't able to do if we're dealing with fibromyalgia or autoimmune diseases, all contribute to poor health if we let them dominate our thoughts.

We can only do what we can do. We need to feel grateful for what we have and what we CAN do.

I know that I take on other people's stress and/or problems and I let that influence how I feel. I need to step back and take a look at what I'm doing to myself. I can be there for others, but I cannot live their stress. I also need to stop and take a moment to be thankful for my life and even my problems to get a clear head and reality check. We should not get stressed out over what other people do or say (or don't do). We're only responsible for ourselves (and our children).

I started to stress out this morning over an on going situation that, honestly, I have no business getting stressed out over. It's not my problem to deal with and I can only help so much. I need to take care of myself first.

It's a bit of a conundrum, I suppose. When do we help and when do we step back. My only advice is that when you feel it taking over your thoughts and actions, remove yourself even for a little while. Take care of you and your business first.

For those of us suffering with conditions and illnesses there might even be problems in your home that contribute to pain- because we let them. I know, I'm having trouble letting go of some. But we can live peacefully if we don't absorb the problems, be kind and loving and put our care as the number one priority.

After all, those things are the, "small stuff." We have so much to be grateful for and remembering that, even the tiniest thing we're thankful for, will help reduce our pain, ailments and STRESS. Even worrying too much about our conditions add to our problems.

So today is, "Don't sweat the small stuff," day, keeping in mind that our health is the number one priority.

peace and love,

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