Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I can

I have gotten into the terrible habit of saying, "I can't," to so many things since I've had issues with my health. I can't go here, I can't do that. I know, however, that many of us say, "I can't," because we feel so bogged down by all we have to do. I do that, too, but mainly because I don't think I'll feel well.

I'm not ignoring the fact that often we say, "I can't," because things feel insurmountable. When I get anxious I say, "I can't," to things that if I attacked one by one they would be no big deal. And, as far as the big deals are concerned, we can do our best to handle them.

The truth is we can do many things. Chores and minor responsibilities can actually wait while we enjoy time with family or friends. The "to do" list never ends anyway, does it? Mine hasn't.

So, where's the fun? The little (and big) pleasures in our lives? I'm not suggesting we all pack up and go to Hawaii or Vegas, though that would be incredible. If you can, I'm wonder what you are waiting for. For those of us on a tighter budget, we can opt for the kind of things that remind us why we work as hard as we do. The things we tend to forget how pleasurable they are.

Whether we're over stressed, over worked, over tired or over having pain, fatigue and other maladies, I believe we should say "I can," to the invitations we're offered. It can be a party, baby shower, a visit over tea with a friend or meeting people for a meal. We need to relax and experience these things. These simple pleasures are usually what the best memories are made of.

We can't do all of the things that come up, obviously. I had to cancel a crafting date with a good friend because I was having a very difficult time that day. I didn't feel well at all. And, a few times I had to cancel on people because we had a long series of car problems- I'm sure many people can relate to that.

Sometimes we're just tired or want to be in our own homes. We need that time for getting some things done and then relaxing without the worry of other people. That is a big, "I can't," for many people. If they're home they need to be attacking housework, or they brought their job home. I often say, "I can't," to resting because I feel I need to be productive even though I know I'll be able to do a bit more if I feel well. There's nothing wrong with putting those things aside and reading a good book or vegging in front of the TV. Or better yet, taking a nice afternoon nap.

Yet I write this knowing I have to start saying yes more often. I can always postpone if something comes up or I'm in a lot of pain. However, saying yes and finding pleasure in playing a game with the family just talking to a friend (or whatever makes you smile) reduces our negativity and makes the load seem a little lighter.

Maybe the more we say, "I can," the more we'll smile.

peace and love,

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