Sunday, April 17, 2011

staying positive

Positive thinking has so many benefits. Besides the health benefits a positive attitude makes us more pleasant to be around. It makes us feel better about our situations. Best of all, it puts a smile on our face which spreads throughout our beings and it just may spread to others.

It can be hard to stay positive. Life is full of bumps in the road. The bumpier our road the harder it is to keep a good attitude.

Whether we are dealing with chronic pain and other disorders or a huge pile of bills while everything keeps breaking down, there must be a few things to be thankful for and to boost our mood to a positive place.

Maybe a phone call from a friend, or something nice a family member says can make our day. Being thankful for the beautiful weather or how nice our flowers look can be enough to start thinking positive.

I started my day feeling very bad. I had a lot of pain and my eyes are irritated and I'm seeing blurry from my Sjogren's Syndrome. I allowed myself to rest and as I did I remembered how much better I felt when I was happier. So, even though I'm at risk of falling into depression from all that is wrong with me, I did a few things that made me smile and I took the time to meditate on all the good in my life.

We all know how easy it is to feel down about all the bumps in the road. How can I be happy with all this to deal with?

We can only count on having today. I don't want to waste it being a Negative Nancy or crawling into a depression about my health. I want to enjoy today the best way I can. I want to see the positive things. I want to feel the positive things. I want to be an example to my children of a positive way of life.

I plan to smile a lot today and be thankful for all I CAN do. I hope my positive new outlook is contagious :)

peace and love,

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