Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't overdo it

If you're like me you might make a mental list (or a real one) of all of things you want to accomplish each day. It's a very organized way to live, but not necessarily the right one for those of us with Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain disorders.

We can only do what we can do. Maybe the laundry won't get done or the dusting won't get done. I'm always going on about prioritizing, but let's be honest- sometimes we just can't do any of it. Trying to do it all when we're not even up to the simple tasks will only lead to more pain. In fact, it may lay us up longer and than nothing gets done for quite some time.

It's ok to take the day off when you need it. It's ok for me to take the day off when I need it. It's not ok to suffer through chores like a martyr. No one wants to be around that, and, truly, do we want to be that person? Thinking of how I sound when I'm in martyr mode brings a feeling of embarrassment to me and reminds me not to be one.

I guess I'm writing this as much for me as I am for anyone who reads it. No matter what our conditions or life situations, sometimes we need to slow down and just be.

Overdoing it might be in our nature, but we don't have to follow through on it. It leads to crankiness, horrible pain and exhaustion. (And much more than I'm listing.)

I believe no one likes a cranky martyr. People around us appreciate when we have to take care of ourselves and are happy to see us feeling better. No family member wants to hear complaining about how much we did and the painful results.

It's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. Take time off. Rest when you need to. Delegate a few chores. I plan to as well.

peace and love,

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