Thursday, May 13, 2010

self care?

How important is it too slow down and take care of ourselves? We live in a multitasking world in which even commercials show us HOW MUCH MORE we can do in a day. Racing to meet deadlines, driving a million places, eating on the go. Where does it end?

Since being diagnosed with two chronic pain conditions one would think that I learned my lesson. And, to a certain extent I have. I sleep more (I never slept before) and I eat well and I try to pay attention to the signs of stress, exhaustion and overdoing it.

The first thing I had to learn was to say NO more often. I cannot do everything, be everywhere and be everything to everyone. Sometimes I have to give up things I'd like to do, but who will take care of me if I won't?

I've learned that I can be good to myself, and, in exchange be better to those around me. When I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome it was a lot to take in. I couldn't help myself, let alone others. And, I had to give up being a workaholic, which wasn't that easy.

It made me prioritize things a little differently. Okay, a lot. But we can't be good at anything for too long if we don't take care of ourselves first. I learned the hard way, but everyday that I put my own self care at the top of my to do list, I feel better physically and emotionally.

And, really, it isn't all that hard. I try to sleep eight hours a night. I relax. I exercise (Qigong is pretty cool and I love yoga.) I eat better- and no more 10+ cups of coffee a day! I don't do everything I want to, but I do enough to enjoy my life and stay productive.

When we're overdone we're no good to anyone, especially ourselves. Why not take a few minutes to care for yourself? You can't image how much better you'll feel.

peace and love,

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