I read a comment and it was exactly what I have been thinking about all day- trying to get people who don't suffer from chronic pain to understand.
My thoughts on the subject were that it's true. How can they understand? Before I got sick I thought headaches were the worst pain imaginable (until I broke my nose).
Those of us with both an autoimmune disease and Fibromyalgia suffer from pain all over our bodies. Our joints hurt, we get numbness, we have pain in places we never thought would hurt.
I know that many people think we have a low pain threshold and we're over reacting. It's all in our heads. But we know how we feel.
I try not to associate with people who don't at least try to understand. We have enough problems without dealing with people who refuse to accept that we are suffering.
It may limit our social circle, however I feel that I'm going through enough crap that I'm better off without them.
We need to surround ourselves with people who care about how we feel- even if they don't fully understand how and why we feel how we do.
In order to stay positive, a very important part of our self-care, being around people who care about us. I vent to one friend who never questions me. She offers support and an open ear. I know I could count on her in an emergency.
If you have someone who you can talk to outside of your family that helps tremendously. Family members see it every single day. They live through the worst of it with you.
Support groups are good. They understand everything you're living through because they live through it too. Remember that they may be at different stages or experience the disease or Fibromyalgia differently, yet you'll be connected by virtue of your condition.
If there aren't support groups in your area, you can always start one. Meetup is a great way to start a group (www.meetup.com) and it will walk you through it. Or you can put up flyers at your doctor's office. Either way, be patient. People will eventually find your group (if they don't right a way.)
Location might be a little bit of a challenge. Try your local coffee houses and places like that. Many cater to groups from book clubs to people who meet for a number of reasons.
My point is that most people don't get and probably never will. They don't live with a host of physical problems that we don't even understand sometimes. If they can't be sympathetic, move on.We don't need that negativity in our lives.
I hope you all have someone to vent to. Vent to me in the comments. I believe all the people that think we're crazy etcetera keep us from living our lives to our full potential.
My hope for you is a life full of loving, understanding people.
peace & love,
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