Wednesday, August 10, 2011

gratitude list

I wanted to explain a little more about our Never Ending Gratitude List.

First of all, you only have to write things your grateful for when you feel them. If you tend to be negative most of the time you can make it a habit to write at least one thing on your list.

Second, you're not comparing your list to others, so go ahead and write that your favorite show came on, that your dog(s) were good, that you went to the beach (lake or river), that you finished reading a book, that someone else went to the market and so on.

I wrote that I was grateful for my husband (multiple times) for being so helpful, I put my children on my list because I'm grateful for them everyday. I write one word entries and sentences. I hate getting mammograms so instead of complaining I wrote that I was grateful to get one because there are so many women who can't.

This list should be however you want it. It's a great reminder on those bad days. Also, by writing in the book it allows us to think positively and as a result, become happier.

It shouldn't be something to fret over. If you can't think of anything, by write something as simple as I'm grateful I'm awake and alive today.

I know many of us feel so much pain daily it becomes hard to be grateful, but this is our life, so maybe you can think of something your grateful for.

I hope you get the hang of it.

peace & love,

1 comment:

  1. For Easter I gave my daughter a journal to write 5 positive things in each day. She said it was impossible and not too happy about it. She was so negative at the time. I check it every once in a while and it turns out she is keeping up with it. A mix of things have turned her attitude around in the past months, but I like to think that it had something to do with it. :)
