Life Happens. Good things, day-to-day things and bad things happen all the time.
Bad things are what gets us. Chronic pain conditions or not, stress can make us sick. I don't mean the little things that stress us out but the big, bad, ugly things.
These things generally come out of the blue, so there's no preparing. But even if we know they're coming at some point we may not know when everything is going to explode and we're left with the fallout.
If we're suffering from chronic pain and other disorders stress can disable us completely. That's why it's so important to be able to deal with stress and lessen the impact on our bodies and minds.
First of all, we can't fix everything at once. We need to make sure we take care of ourselves properly or we're no help to anyone or anything.
That seems difficult, especially if you are extremely sensitive and emotional like I am. So slow down. Do you need to do breathing exercises before you can decide what you need to do for yourself? Maybe some herbal tea and writing in a journal may help.
Once we're calm we need to do what's best for our bodies. We all have routines for when the pain is extreme. Do we need to take a warm bath, meditate, take prescribed medication for anxiety and/or pain, rest with heating pads or maybe eat something?
These aren't selfish things. If we're completely immobilized by what's going on, we're just adding to the problem. When the poo hits the fan, we don't need to be stuck in bed with severe pain if we can help it.
That doesn't mean it won't cause us pain. I'm going through a seriously stressful situation and I will take my medication because it has left me with pain so bad I'm shaking. If I stay like this than I'm just making matters worse.
Second, and just as important, we don't need to fix it all alone. Allow people to help. We aren't as strong as some of us- like myself- think we are. If we have to, ask for help. Taking some of the pressure and stress off ourselves might help lower our pain level.
Sometimes adrenaline will get us moving and trying to handle the situation and we don't even feel pain. Yet. We will. That's why we need to slow down and take care of ourselves first.
Third, and last, nothing needs to be completely handled right away. Of course, if we have to send somebody away in an ambulance that is a right away situation in which we ask for help and support. So unless that happens or someone or something is on fire, we have time to get our heads and bodies together to handle the problem.
Stress cannot be avoided, but we can take a peaceful approach to dealing with the ugly things in life. Getting worked up, chronic pain or not, will give us headaches, stomach problems or worse.
We can't help how we feel, but if we use the tools available to us, we can get through anything.
Slow down and be good to yourself, today and always.
peace & love,
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