Fibromyalgia limits us and what we want to do. It puts a strain on marriages and families. It is a financial drain, with prescriptions, co-pays, and for those of us looking for outside relief, acupuncture, massage and any other treatments.
Unfortunately, these are things that can add to depression that many of us struggle with already.
How can we deal with such things on top of often severe pain, and, if you're like me, the complications and additional pain of an autoimmune disease?
One thing that has always worked for me is the triage system. Much like at the hospital where they take the worst cases first, I try to figure out what is essential for me to deal with. I prioritize based on how I'm feeling how truly important each thing is. I make lists.
Maybe it's a very bad day, with excessive pain and fatigue. I don't handle emotional things on these days because I'm prone to anxiety and I increase my pain by getting upset. Kindly ask the family member if you can deal with the issue at a later date, if possible. If not, just try to keep breathing and don't let pain dictate what you say. This is a huge struggle for me.
On bad days I do what I can. That might mean the laundry doesn't get done. Or maybe I cannot do anything but rest that day. I need to communicate with my family and set boundaries. When I do that, there are fewer expectations and a better flow with everyone. Without communicating our needs, no one knows and might expect of us things we cannot do at that time.
As far as the financial strain, I try to budget in every way possible to keep costs down. I'm even considering mail order prescriptions to say some money. Disability is often hard to get, but we need to investigate every avenue and fight for what we deserve. Severe pain is disabling. If you're able to work, all the better. But health comes first.
I rest enough so that I can have quality time with my husband when possible and also with the rest of my family. We don't want to become that person who always complains and makes everyone uncomfortable if we want to keep our families strong and together. That doesn't mean keeping quiet about our pain and ailments, it means being more than that. Talking to them about them. Being a loved one, not a needy one can be difficult. But I think it's essential to having good family life. This is another struggle of mine I work on daily.
It isn't easy. I'm not working and it's hard to juggle all of life's difficulties without getting stressed out, but we can't afford to feel sorry for ourselves and create negative energy that leads to more pain.
We all have to find a way to balance our lives and make things a little easier on ourselves. We need to give ourselves a break.
I have no real answers. I'm like the millions of sufferers looking for ways to improve my life.
I hope this gives you some helpful ideas and finds you pain free.
peace and love,
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