Once again I am faced with change due to my illnesses, and, once again I remind myself that good things come from change.
Although I am tremendously sad that I can no longer teach due to excessive pain (and a load of other problems) I know that we can only do what we can do. Returning to the classroom was a wonderful experience and I adored my students and the faculty. It reminded me of what I am capable of.
The six months I was in the classroom was extremely rewarding and successful, but the Fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome made each day a challenge. I struggled to get through each day, but the love and care of my students and coworkers helped me to hang on as long as I did. It was an incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by people who cared about me.
I was stubbornly dragging my aching body to work everyday when a coworker brought to my attention what my family had been saying all along. I thought I was fooling everyone and that no one could tell how much I was suffering. But I was wrong.
Now that I'm no longer teaching I need to not only accept, but embrace, the change. That can be easier said than done, of course, but I'm easing into it. I plan to write, something I squeezed into my busy life before but now can dedicate myself to.
Change is inevitable. By bending and swaying with the changes we can open doors we never knew existed. That doesn't mean we forget where we came from, of course. That is what made us who we are today.
Stay fluid.
peace and love,
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