Sunday, July 24, 2011


So yesterday I blogged about how to relax and how important relaxation is. Today I threw that out the window and did too much for how I bad I've felt all day.

I was a bit stir crazy so I did a small chore that has been irking me. It actually irked me for weeks and so I emptied this and carried that and filled another thing.

I rested a bit then I looked for things to go to the Goodwill. That involved climbing (I'm only 5" tall) to get to the top shelf of my closet. While up there I found a lot of cool stuff I forgot I had. I just had to investigate.

It sort of snow balled from there. Looking through this, organizing that.

I should note that I woke up at 6:30 am in terrible pain all over my body, but much more intense in my arms and legs. My knee is quite swollen. I realize that many people have less pain than I do, but pain is pain and we need to listen to our bodies.

The truth of the matter is that we're not perfect and we don't have to be. I'll suffer a lot from all I did today and (hopefully) learn to slow down and do less. That's hard for a former workaholic.

I've improved. Seriously. I do have my days, though, when I fall back into bad habits. I'm still learning, too.

When this type of thing happens I don't berate myself. It's hard enough being sick. We need to forgive and love ourselves. And, no matter what, take relaxing and resting seriously.

So slow down and take it easy- one simple chore at a time.

peace and love,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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