Sometimes we need to let out our emotions in a healthy way. A good cry, one in which you just let it flow, can ease our emotional excess. Exercise, meditation and making sure we're just taking basic proper care of ourselves helps relieve emotional overloads that can lead to meltdowns, freak-outs, binges or whatever we do that band-aids the feelings. That's why I firmly believe in journaling and reading affirmations.

I laugh it off, or make a joke of it, when people tell me I'm too emotional. We are who are and most sensitive people can get a wee bit overly saddened, stressed or excited. Finding healthy, comfortable, ways to use this sensitivity productively just might be the answer. But sometimes that's more than a choice.
Tools abound. A blank sheet of paper to "journal" on if you don't have a notebook or actual journal can serve as the start to releasing all those emotions before they become attack of the stress goblin. Blogging, as I have found, is another way.
Talking to people helps. Not whining and moping but honest talk helps. If there's no one you know to talk to there are many professionals who know far more than I.
Feed your soul with goodness- music, art (which we can even view online), literature or a hobby and/or skill that allows you to just relax and enjoy.
When we nourish all parts of selves, rest enough, work enough, relax enough it becomes easier to keep the emotions in check and be sensitive and emotional at appropriate times.
Believe me- I learned the hard way :)
peace and love,
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