Without such future seeing abilities it all seems like projection to me. I could be wrong, and I'm wrong often, but isn't the most important time now?
First of all, projection is often filled with negative assumptions and outcomes. This creates our self-fulfilled prophecies- we've all heard someone create a situation then say, "I knew that would happen!"
I try to accept today, illnesses, bad finances and all, and not only look for the good (of which there is plenty) but also remain hopeful about what is to come. Not everyday or perfectly. I just focus on now so I don't lose it.
When my children were little I thought the time flew by even though there had been many a challenging day. I learned then that I didn't want to miss anything. Now that I'm facing illnesses I take each day slower and try to experience it without spending most of it worrying and projecting what will happen next week, month or year.
We're all too valuable to lose our days worrying about what may never come to pass. I'm not saying stop paying bills and planning for retirement. I'm saying we have no real idea what beauty tomorrow holds til we get there, so enjoy the richness of today. I would hate for you to miss it :)
peace and love,
This is huge! Best-selling author and artist SARK (aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) has just announced that she is inviting anyone to attend the first class of Dream Boogie with SARK for free, just so you can experience "Dream Boogie" first-hand and see what it's all about, without any cost or obligation. It looks like space is pretty limited for the complimentary call, so I encourage you to reserve your spot to attend the class on Wednesday, or to request a complimentary recording of the class.
SARK has been teaching workshops all around the world for over 25 years, but Dream Boogie is actually her very first live teleclass series. It’s a dream productivity program that is packed with inspiration and innovation to help you move from dreaming to DOing. And I’m delighted to share that this eight-week program includes an interview with me, as one of SARK’s favorite “Dream DOers”. &nbs p;
In addition to the free call on Wednesday, you can enjoy some fun, free "Dream Boogie" samples, including audio snippets of my interview, plus colorful SARK videos, workbook downloads, and other funky little goodies for your dream.
SARK has been teaching workshops all around the world for over 25 years, but Dream Boogie is actually her very first live teleclass series. It’s a dream productivity program that is packed with inspiration and innovation to help you move from dreaming to DOing. And I’m delighted to share that this eight-week program includes an interview with me, as one of SARK’s favorite “Dream DOers”. &nbs p;
In addition to the free call on Wednesday, you can enjoy some fun, free "Dream Boogie" samples, including audio snippets of my interview, plus colorful SARK videos, workbook downloads, and other funky little goodies for your dream.
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