Just kidding. Don't. It gets you nowhere. It makes it hard to breathe. You can't focus. Calming down seems impossible. Pain increases exponentially.
Last night I had rapid onset pain that was very severe and I "freaked out." I completely gave in to panic. Not only was I in ridiculous levels of pain, but I practically hyperventilating and crying. I was not in control of myself. Basically, pain won.
Okay, so I'm only human. Melt downs, freak outs and panic attacks happen. Maybe not so much for others. I'm extremely emotional- but I generally use that emotion for good and to focus on what I'm thankful for and who I love.
Pain often "wins" for those of us with fibro. However, we really have the tools to keep that from happening. Unfortunately, I threw all my tools out the window last night. My mother talked me down and reminded me of what I should do in such instances.
Remember what is good in our lives. Think positive thoughts.
Deep breathes are essential. I needed pain medication and after I took it I should have done what I knew would help rather than spaz out and make it worse.
While waiting for the medication to work I could have meditated. Any form of meditation. Twenty one deep breaths. It's best if you make the breaths the same length going in and out the nose. Mindfulness Meditation has variations in which you visualize the pain in a neutral way and picture it leaving your body. Also, meditation in which you just clear your mind and breath.
Excuse me if this is repetitive. If anyone is anything like me, we need to be reminded of how to handle pain and not let it win.
The good news is that we just keep learning and trying. I plan to research other ways to handle pain, rapid onset or constant. The more I learn, the more I'll share.
May you be pain free and remember of all the goodness :)
peace and love,
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