Monday, April 11, 2011

no regrets

We often feel bad about what we cannot do. That's true for those with an autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia or anyone who might be stretched too thin to "do it all."

We're tempted to say yes to things we may not be able to do. Whether it's helping someone or a social invitation, sometimes we just can't do it.

Regret is like guilt. It seems to me that it's a fabricated emotion that just leads to feeling bad. We don't need to feel that way. If we can't do what's being asked, we can't.

I had to cancel a few social activities I really wanted to attend. I wanted to visit with my friend and strengthen our friendship. But I was really having a bad time that day. I had a lot of pain and other problems that kept me at home. I felt regret and guilt. That lead me to feeling anxiety and more pain.

There is only so much any person can do. For those of us with some limitations, we just need to fill our lives with people who understand, love and care about us. Those that cannot understand don't necessarily belong in our close circle.

We cannot live a life of regrets or guilt. Even with chronic pain we can still enjoy our lives and make the best of everyday. Regret and guilt are just head games we play with ourselves- and who needs that?

It's okay to say no thank you or I can't, maybe next time.

peace and love,

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