Monday, June 27, 2011


I feel like writing about me. Maybe someone reading this can relate.

First of all, I hate money. I know hate is a strong word. I probably should chose a less violent sounding way of communicating my feelings such as I sincerely dislike money. 

To be honest, neither can be possibly be true as I enjoy a bit of shopping. I am not a crazy buy-it-because-I- saw-it kind of shopper. I just like to buy some things that I like. I did go crazy in Target last month, spending $400 on I don't know what. I'm not the sanest person around. Ask my psychiatrist. I also like a few things that are expensive, like anything from Tiffany's, but it's not like I hit Rodeo Drive every weekend. That's reserved for special times.

I'm not even sure that's lead to my negative relationship with money. The pile of bills as we lose what we value might be a factor. 

The other major factor is that I'm expensive. Not because I go crazy in Target or like trinkets from Tiffany's. It's my Fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease Sjogren's Syndrome. I cost a small fortune. Maybe more than a small fortune. Prescriptions, co-pays, alternative treatments. I am personally pulling my family into a financial pit.

I'm a bit bitter over having two chronic pain issues going on, but that's for another day. I am very bitter over the six $45 a month perscriptions, not to mention the other 13 that range in price. 

I hate money because even though I'm losing the money battle, I wonder how do the people in worse financial situations pay for medication and treatments. Do they just suffer? 

Our world is a money hungry world and I'm a give-it-a-way sort of gal. I don't get why so many hard working people do without medical help, are losing their homes, have less than enough food to feed their families.

It bothers me. I suppose that's why I say I hate money. Or seriously dislike it. The hardest working people and the people that need it the most don't have it. I'll survive without a lot of what I have. (I'll have to have my breakdowns far from Target.) I'm just genuine concerned with how costs increase and we all have less money.

It makes you wonder.

peace and love,

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