Thursday, June 17, 2010

deciding to be happy

Today I am deciding to be happy. Life is still stress-filled for me. In fact this may be one of the most stress-filled times I have ever gone through. The difference is that I finally got it through my head that I missing a lot of joy and fun sitting around as a stressed-out mess.

Now, this change isn't some magical gift bestowed upon me by the happiness gods. It's a little bit of work and a lot of reminding myself of what I have to be grateful for.

I truly believe gratitude is the key. All awful, stressful times, whether due to illness, money troubles, family problems or work problems, have been worked out one way or another, for all of us. I only made the situations worse by sitting in my pool of stress. It's not very comfortable there.

I plan to say thank you often, look at the good that exists and work through life challenges. After all, everyone has difficulties and we would all be a high-strung bunch of negative ninny's if we don't stop and realize how much we have to be grateful and happy about.

I'm deciding to be happy starting now. I hope you'll join me!

peace and love,

Embark on Magical Journeys with SARK to enjoy a collection of new juicy Audio Adventure meditations from SARK!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

you can't please everyone

As much as I hate to admit it, I am a people pleaser. I want everyone around me to feel good, have what they need and be happy.
The problem with wanting to please everyone is that it just isn't possible, and, I get lost in the mix. No matter what's going on we can only do so much for people. They need to be upset sometimes and what they need may not be what we can give.

People need to go through their own feelings and problems. I don't suggest by any means not to be a source of love and support, but we need to let go sometimes. For me this is extremely hard, and often I forget to take care of myself because I'm so busy trying to make sure everyone is happy.

Letting go and letting what is be what is can be one of the most challenging things a people pleaser can experience. It is essential, however, if we're to maintain any level of sanity and happiness ourselves. We cannot take on the world and every single problem every single time something comes up for those around us. In fact, sometimes it makes people feel smothered.

My solution? I'm going to practice letting go. I'm hoping it will reduce my stress and free me up to relax and take better care of myself.

Besides, life is what it is sometimes and we all need to find it within ourselves to get through the obstacles set before us. And, a little love and giving people space may go a lot farther than obsessing on what others need to do for themselves.

It's a hard lesson for me, but I'm willing to learn and let go a little.

peace and love,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

easy and breezy

Sometimes it seems as though every single possible stressful event that could happen does.

I am a victim of living in stressville. In stressville I obsess, panic, project and feel awful. In fact, because of my fibromyalgia and autoimmune disease I feel awful because it actually makes me ill to get stressed out.

However, from my experience life really doesn't give more than we can handle and a positive attitude helps us (well, me at least) get through the challenges.

Having a few positive resources available helps. It's never a bad idea to feed our mind and souls with good thoughts and positive ways to change our thinking. (I keep many books and positive lifestyle reminders available at all times!)

But what can really help get us on the easy breezy lifestyle track is remembering what makes us smile, laugh or let loose. For example, listening to music. Or, better yet, dancing to our favorite music. Even five minutes of letting loose can completely change our attitude and begin to lower our feelings of despair and stress.

Play a game. Watch your favorite movie. Do something artistic. Go outside. Go for a walk. Go for a bike ride. In other words, summer time opens up a bunch of feel-good activities for us to just relax, roll with it and enjoy an easy breezy life.

So, have some fun. It's better than okay, it's imperative.

peace and love,

Magical Journeys with SARK

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ups and downs

Life is sometimes a bit of a roller coaster ride. There's not just ups and downs and crazy turns, but also anticipation, excitement and often fear.
Whether we realize it or not, life's ups and downs often put our bodies through stress as well as our minds. Once the stress is in motion it can take over how we feel physically- stress causes
disease in our bodies. I'm not just talking major diseases, which is a very likely possibility if we are living in stressland.

We can feel our bodies tense, get headaches, have stomach disorders and
worse. I don't know about anyone else but I don't want to be consumed with stress and thus disease.

I personally am working on only feeling the gratitude for all that I have.
Feeling that goodness and focusing on those things that bring us joy and security, the things that are GOOD, and believing things will work themselves out help to keep us less likely to live in stressland. And, by doing so we will help our bodies endure less pain and reduce our chances of getting ill from stress.

It isn't easy. Life throws some serious curves, ups and downs, and hard situations. It is our job to keep them from disabling us completely.

I read many positive books and practice thinking positive and grateful thoughts. I admit I'm not the best at meditating but I am working on that. It calms the nerves, clears the mind and helps us to find that gratitude that can keep us smiling no matter what is thrown our way.

I plan to think positively, meditate and be grateful everyday for everything. So far it's helping.
Maybe it will work for you, too :)

peace and love,