I used to be the Drama Queen. Literally. Running the Drama program, living everything Drama- including the tears, the stress, and the long hours. I loved the frenzy, getting the most out of people on stage, watching what seemed impossible come together. Now I am the hot bath and antioxidant queen :) It's a different life, but the joy is where look for it. I'm learning to love the quiet mornings, time to read, and of course, time to take care of my body. That's a full-time job. I need rest, exercise (appropriate), self-discovery time which I use to read positive materials such as those by Sark :) I need to act slower- not rush into a stressed out, hyped up mess every time a new challenge appears.
My biggest challenge is to keep my cool as pain sets in. Slow onset I can stay mellow, but when it comes on quick I often start to panic. I might get antsy. My restless leg syndrome legs want to pace. My thoughts are coming to fast, on top of one another. I can't listen to anyone. I quietly suffer and pace.
That's a bit silly when I have a few other options. Like deep breathing, first of all. In long through the nose, out the same length through the mouth. Quieting the mind chatter with music that calms me down. A hot bath. And, one of my favorites, Mindfulness meditation.
I'm not the one to teach you how to do it, but I'll lead you to where the best info on it is. I can practice it anywhere, anytime. There is a Complete Idiot's guide and some iphone apps, but my favorite is a CD I bought for $9.99 on itunes: Mindful Meditations by Diana Winston. She has a lovely voice to talk you through and it's realistic. These really help me treat my pain like a body reaction and not my enemy! I have tried MANY different styles, books, CDs and I learned the most from Mindful Meditations and had much relief!
There are so many ways to meditate, but for me this works. The style helps focus intently and helps deal with good old mind chatter. Find something that works for you. Life is stressful and we need ways to just let our mind and body refresh before the next "thing."
I've learned that I can take meds, vitamins, herbs, minerals et cetera, but if I'm not taking care to stay peaceful and calm (as calm as I can haha) than I will have less healing. It all works together.
the sky is falling
by sunee lyn foley
the sky is falling.
there are pieces of my world falling down
all around me
and I cannot find an umbrella big enough to get under
while i try to figure out
what’s first and what’s lost
the sky is falling.
i often feel i am losing every battle.
people i love. disease. money.
the sky is falling
in bits and pieces around me.
the sky is falling.
my circle grows tighter. smaller.
fair-weathered friends have flown
to less dangerous locales
no emotional how do you do’s
and all that. besides,
i can’t offer as fun and frolic
in my current state.
the sky is falling.
and I wake up (smiling) everyday
to face challenges i never knew existed,
not to mention the depth of,
even after living through a traumatic childhood.
the sky is falling.
yet i dig deep, finding my spirit,
though i must admit to floundering
under ridiculous pain.
i’ve even dared to think my fortitude
may be weakening along with my body.
the sky is falling.
when the pieces are falling and
my body isn’t working
how do i
hold up the sky then?
I have lots to say, but for now-
peace & love,
Hi Sunee -- thanks for sharing your thoughts/feelings/methods/poems. :) I haven't read Sark -- looks good!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure this process will help you, as well as others who are dealing with similar issues.
thanks for reading and for sure check out a book or 2 by Sark!