I feel overwhelmed and I wonder why I don't appreciate all I have and all the surrounds me rather than sitting in my mush pot of stress.
When things get crazy the easiest thing to do is to feed into it. I started to. I laid a guilt trip on myself for things I'm not responsible for.
The best thing to do is clear my head and realize everything that I have to be grateful for and then prioritize what I CAN do and let go of what I CANNOT.
This day was a mush pot day, but sitting here now I realize where and when I should have just let things go. And, because of my health, I should have slowed down and took care of myself. That's a tough deal for a control freak, but the way I feel now has taught me that I really need to let go.
The easiest way to do that is to remember what I'm grateful for. And that's a lot.
I hope I don't see you in the mush pot. It's hard to get out and you can't see the beauty of the day.
peace and love,