Monday, May 24, 2010


Oh, expectations! We all have them at least every now and again. But I don't believe that's such a negative thing.
We need to be able to reach for things and visualize them. If we don't expect good things to happen often we will be left with only the not so good. We can't apply this to people and how they will react, of course, but we can use positive thoughts to help bring about positive change.

We probably all know people that say, "My life always sucks," or "Nothing good ever happens to me." If we believe that than generally that's exactly what happens.

Good thoughts and positive affirmations do bring positive change. Good thoughts coupled with visualization helps us make the correct changes and move toward a less stressful, more positive life.

It is up to all of us to keep expecting the good to come about. Sitting around complaining will keep us stagnant and unable to bring about the positive things we've been hoping for. Things we think all the time generally come to be (unless it's ridiculous or not good for us).

The best thing we can do for our health, both physical and mental, is to stay positive. Easy to say, but sometimes hard to practice. How do we change our way of thinking?

When we catch those negatives lurking, change the thought. "I can't," becomes "I'm working on that," and so on. Thoughts become our lives whether we like it or not.

So maybe we all just slow down, picture the good, and see what we're capable of doing to make it reality.It's within us, we just have to climb out of negativeland and see life from a different perspective.

Let's expect all the good and continue (or start) to think in a positive manner. It certainly can't hurt.

peace and love,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

state of mind

When thinking of mind over matter I always think of the expression I once heard- If you don't mind it doesn't matter.

Well, that may not be completely true, but certainly our state of mind effects every single thing we do. Or don't do. I know that is true for me.

I began thinking more of what I could do, not what I couldn't do. Just because I've had a few set backs shouldn't keep me cloistered away with no living going on. (My set backs being fibromyalgia and an autoimmune disease.)

Just thinking about my capabilities rather than my limitations improved my state of mind, and, subsequently, my health began to improve. With every positive change my life becomes living again- not just being.

I think sometimes we get stuck in that "I can't" or "Why me?" way of thinking and forget how it effects not just us but also our loved ones, co-workers, everyone around us. Maybe certain obstacles and such aren't for us to figure out but to attend to and move forward.

My state of mind effects my health everyday. My health effects my whole world. I cannot afford to be negative all the time. Can you?

So, here's to positive thoughts and positive happenings!

peace and love,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

self care?

How important is it too slow down and take care of ourselves? We live in a multitasking world in which even commercials show us HOW MUCH MORE we can do in a day. Racing to meet deadlines, driving a million places, eating on the go. Where does it end?

Since being diagnosed with two chronic pain conditions one would think that I learned my lesson. And, to a certain extent I have. I sleep more (I never slept before) and I eat well and I try to pay attention to the signs of stress, exhaustion and overdoing it.

The first thing I had to learn was to say NO more often. I cannot do everything, be everywhere and be everything to everyone. Sometimes I have to give up things I'd like to do, but who will take care of me if I won't?

I've learned that I can be good to myself, and, in exchange be better to those around me. When I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome it was a lot to take in. I couldn't help myself, let alone others. And, I had to give up being a workaholic, which wasn't that easy.

It made me prioritize things a little differently. Okay, a lot. But we can't be good at anything for too long if we don't take care of ourselves first. I learned the hard way, but everyday that I put my own self care at the top of my to do list, I feel better physically and emotionally.

And, really, it isn't all that hard. I try to sleep eight hours a night. I relax. I exercise (Qigong is pretty cool and I love yoga.) I eat better- and no more 10+ cups of coffee a day! I don't do everything I want to, but I do enough to enjoy my life and stay productive.

When we're overdone we're no good to anyone, especially ourselves. Why not take a few minutes to care for yourself? You can't image how much better you'll feel.

peace and love,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

what we can handle

If we're not given more than we can handle, why does it often feel that way? Everything coming at us at once, good news seems like light years away- but we can handle what challenges come before us.
We can't handle everything at once. And we can't feed into the desire to completely stress out. Easier said than done. But the results are dramatic. A positive, this is what it is for now is a great place to start.

Of course, we need to remember that it isn't always going to turn out the way we expect it to or want it to. Sometimes that's a god thing. In the midst of emotional overload it can be hard to know what's the best for us.

I can't too overwhelmed. My fibromyalgia will stop me cold. I need to just do some accepting and put out the most positive sides of myself that I can. Each obstacle we've faced during my illness confirms to me that we make choices.

Setting limits, avoiding a lot of negative talk and influences and just plain old good self-care is a start. Say no if you're not up to it. Rest. Eat right. Share positive talk with others. Relax.

It's been a time in which I've felt overwhelmed until I just realized not everything is in my hands. I need to do the footwork and then roll with the rest.

So, maybe it's time to take a load off and see what's really important. Usually it's fairly obvious. From there maybe some happiness can squeeze in, too.

It's ultimately our choice how we perceive almost everything. Why make mountains out of molehills?

peace and love,

Saturday, May 1, 2010

be here now

What's going to happen tomorrow? Will I be able to handle the tasks ahead of me? Will I have enough money? How will I keep it all together? When will life get easier? Why do I have so much to do?Mind chatter like that is common, but sometimes we just need to hush all of those things and just be. Being present for our lives alleviates much of the stress we pile on ourselves.

We all need to get things done, deal with stress, maybe even deal with illness, too. The problem is that sometimes that's all we think about and we forget about NOW.

Now we have the opportunity to be with loved ones and actually BE with them, relax, enjoy the sunshine, reconnect with friends. These are the things we cannot always get back once the life becomes easier. (When is that, by the way?)

Life goes by so fast. I fear forgetting my children playing when they were young, what fun I had in high school, even current events. Why? Because I'm so worried about the future- planning, projecting- thinking I know what is to come.

Over a year ago I learned that all of the planning cannot prepare us for anything. When I got ill I had no idea what was ahead of me. Now I make my health a priority and I take nothing for granted. It's a struggle but if I don't stay present I'll lose the chance to enjoy my family, make new memories and accept all the beauty life offers.

Now isn't that bad, no matter how many difficulties we face. We just need to focus on now while we work toward the future.

So, quiet the mind chatter for a bit and see what wonders you can find. Be here now and let the future unravel as it will (with some work when we should, of course).

peace and love,