Oh, expectations! We all have them at least every now and again. But I don't believe that's such a negative thing.

We probably all know people that say, "My life always sucks," or "Nothing good ever happens to me." If we believe that than generally that's exactly what happens.
Good thoughts and positive affirmations do bring positive change. Good thoughts coupled with visualization helps us make the correct changes and move toward a less stressful, more positive life.
It is up to all of us to keep expecting the good to come about. Sitting around complaining will keep us stagnant and unable to bring about the positive things we've been hoping for. Things we think all the time generally come to be (unless it's ridiculous or not good for us).
The best thing we can do for our health, both physical and mental, is to stay positive. Easy to say, but sometimes hard to practice. How do we change our way of thinking?
When we catch those negatives lurking, change the thought. "I can't," becomes "I'm working on that," and so on. Thoughts become our lives whether we like it or not.
So maybe we all just slow down, picture the good, and see what we're capable of doing to make it reality.It's within us, we just have to climb out of negativeland and see life from a different perspective.
Let's expect all the good and continue (or start) to think in a positive manner. It certainly can't hurt.
peace and love,