I hope to write about everything under the sun from battling with fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s Syndrome (and all of the random extra conditions and ailments) to staying br
ight, creative and calm when the pain storm
s roll in.
I'll share my battles, some writing an
d w
hat's going on. I went from workaholic to slow motion and it drastically changed the lives of my whole family. I’ll get into that in later entries.
I’m no expert. I have terrible ADHD and my wrists always hurt
something awful, but I feel strongly ab
out sharing my experiences with these diseases/conditions from a real day-to-day point of view. I hope you’ll follow along, respond and maybe get something out of it. We’re not alone and there’s just no reason to feel isolated because we have trouble moving about.
I mix traditional medicine with a variety of natural remedies and meditation. I use cheap and easy techniques as well as gentle yoga and once in a while Qigong. I’ve been fortunate to be placed in the care of a great rheumatologist who stays up to date and is concerned and caring. And funny.
Basically, I’m open to ways to control my pain and stay happy. Chronic pain cannot dictate the story of my life, though I ha
ve to listen to, be gentle with and care for my body. I used to let it and spent the first few months after diagnosis confused, depressed and in almost a surreal state. Now I am aware, awake and back to myself with not quite as much bob and skip. And that’s okay.
Like last night. Painapolooza. Everything hurt like I was on fire that stabbed as it radiated through me. 10 on the scale. No meds, lotions et cetera helped at all. I was starting to get frantic! But, a warm bath with Batherpies for Aches and Pains (from any drug store for like $7) with low lighting, candles, and I stopped thinking of pain as my enemy and relaxed. I was able to calm down put the pain back in perspective and then, finally, rest.
I use Mindfullness Meditation, which I’ll get into next time probably. I’ll make suggestions of things I’ve tried. Take it or leave it.
first healing
by sunee lyn foley
let go of the baggage
we can't carry the heavy bags anymore
let go of old pain that cannot be fixed
and people who cannot love and need and need
to be carried
free yourself
carry yourself
light and baggage free
erase old hurts and
let yourself heal those wounds
love youself so you can
cherish your body with all
that you have
and let people,
the loving ones, help
today is your day to be loved
by you first
and the rest will follow
in due time.

Here’s what I’m currently reading to stay positive:
I have a few books from Sark’s library.
peace and love,